Is this the way to change higher education?
Kamenetz, A. (200) Adapt or decline Inside Higher Education, March 26
This is another breathless romp through the reasons why higher education must change, and...
Competition in global higher education
Bradmore, D. and Smyrnios, K. (2009) ‘The writing on the wall: responses of Australian public universities to competition in global higher education’ Higher Education...
National plans for ICTs in education for 193 countries
Bassi, R. (2009) ICTs in Education (ICT4E): Policies and Plans Worldwide Dublin Ireland: Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative
This document provides online access to the...
Why technology is not disrupting the university sector
Keith Hampson's Higher Education Management Group blog has an interview with Lloyd Armstrong, the Provost of the University of Southern California, on change in...
A critique of Tapscott and William’s views on university reform
Tapscott, D. and Williams, A. (2010) Innovating the 21st century university: It's Time Educause Review, Vol. 45, No. 1
First of all, thanks to both...
New book on virtual campuses worldwide
Schreurs, B. (ed.) (2010) Reviewing the Virtual Campus Phenomenon Heverlee Belgium: Europace
This book is essential reading for any student wishing to do research on...
Disruptive innovation and the HE system
Hampson, K. (2010) Great Quotes (#2) Disruptive Innovation Higher Education Management Group, January 17
Keith Hampson's excellent blog provides a good discussion and some valuable...
Reigning in costs with online learning
Bassis, M. (2009) Reigning in college costs Businessweek, December 21
This is a useful article, from the President of Westminster College, Salt Lake City, to...
Six priorities for Canadian e-learning in 2010
Summary of my priorities
1. A requirement for all newly appointed full-time instructors in public Canadian post-secondary educational institutions to have a formal certification in...
Management innovation and online higher education
Hampson, K. (2009) Part 2: Management Innovation and Online Higher Education Higher Education Management Group, May 25, 2009
I've just caught up with this excellent...