Thursday, March 6, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

10 Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World from Covid-19 for Canadian universities and colleges

2020: Resilience and adaptability “Canada responded amazingly well to the challenge of adapting to an existential threat to its post-secondary education system. The system...

Why, ‘logically’, online learning is superior to face-to-face teaching

The issue I came to this conclusion in the middle of the night by worrying at the distinction between synchronous and asynchronous learning. (Yeah, I...

Defining blended learning: Farmer’s theory-based models

Farmer, H. (2020) 6 Models for Blended Synchronous and Asynchronous Online Course Delivery, EDUCAUSE Review, 18 August Multiple models I have argued elsewhere that blended learning...

What is the difference between competencies, skills and learning outcomes – and does it...

Bumping into neighbours outside a branch public library can sometimes stimulate a lot of thought. I ran into a fellow consultant (our neighbourhood is...

Another survey of student responses to emergency remote learning

Wise, A. F. & Bergner, Y. (2020) College in the Time of Corona: Spring 2020 Student Survey New York, NY: NYU-LEARN. This is another 'quick-and-dirty' survey...

How can the Canadian federal government help the post-secondary system post-Covid19?

The most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' Ronald Reagan The Feds and post-secondary education in...

Research reports on Covid-19 and emergency remote learning/online learning

Post last up-dated: 9 June, 2021 Since March 2020, there has been a flurry of research on emergency remote learning. Most published research up to...

Happy vacations, everyone! And a reflection on online learning during Covid-19

The need for a break I am hoping that you will be taking a well-earned break soon. It's been clear to me that almost without...

Could Online Teaching Change Higher Ed for the Better? An interview for Top Hat

I was interviewed recently for Top Hat's blog. Top Hat is a commercial publisher of online and digital educational resources based in Toronto. It...

The NEW, new normal: an interview for CBCRadio on the future of universities post-Covid-19

One of my favourite radio  programs is CBC Radio's Spark, with Norah Young. Each week Spark presents the latest in technology and culture.  The next...