Monday, February 24, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Stunning research on inequities of access to online learning in the USA

Figure 1. Percentage of children (ages 0–18 years) learning online whose parents reported that they had inadequate access to the Internet or a computer...

A directory of 2,000+ open textbooks

BCcampus has just announced that it has added its own collection of open textbooks to the Pressbooks Directory. This directory provides an index of thousands...

Tilting at windmills: two research studies on students’ views on Canadian universities’ responses to...

OCUFA (2020) OCUFA 2020 Study: COVID-19 and the Impact on University Life and Education Toronto ON, November HESA/The Strategic Counsel (2021) The Future of Learning:...

Five free keynotes on online learning for streaming into virtual conferences

Sleepless nights and global learning I received many requests last year to deliver keynotes into virtual conferences. These requests came from all around the world....

Video conferencing systems and experiential learning

Correia, A.-P. et al (2020) Evaluating videoconferencing systems for the quality of the educational experience, Distance Education, Vol. 41, No. 4, November 2020 Purpose of...

Online learning in (k-12) schools: 7. Advice for decision-makers

This is the seventh and last in a series of posts on online learning in the (k-12) school sector. The first is: What needs to be...

Online learning and (k-12) schools: creating an appropriate culture of learning online

This is the fifth in a series of posts on online learning in the (k-12) school sector. The first is: What needs to be done about...

Online learning and (k-12) schools: the role of parents

This is the fourth in a series of posts on online learning in the (k-12) school sector. The first is: What needs to be done...

Online learning and (k-12) schools: 2. Technology and cost issues

This is the second in a series of posts on online learning in the (k-12) school sector. The first was What needs to be...

What needs to be done about online learning in the school sector? 1. An...

The challenge On balance, although there are many shortcomings and issues, the post-secondary/higher education level has managed relatively well in finding alternatives to in-class teaching...