Sunday, February 23, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Discussing the response of school systems to Covid

Online learning and distance education: in conversation with Dr. Tony Bates, 25 February, 2021 Why the interview? This is a 40 minute video recording of an...

The perversion of the Internet: scraping and selling children’s data from ed tech tools

Human Rights Watch (2022) How Dare They Peep into My Private Life? New York: Human Rights Watch, May 25 The promise and the ideal I remember...

Analysing the pedagogical affordances of video

We WILL Fix Climate Change, United Nations (click on image to see video) I'm busy revising my online, open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age,...

Bridging the digital divide in online learning

Salman, J. (2022) How one city closed the digital divide for nearly all its students The Hechinger Report, April 14 This report shows what can...

Discussing the strengths and weaknesses of synchronous or asynchronous teaching

The context I am continuing the process of updating the third version of my open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age, to take account of...

How many students take online and distance courses from outside their own jurisdiction?

NC-SARA (2021) NC-SARA Institution Survey: Perspectives on the Pandemic Boulder CO: NC-SARA This report gives some interesting information about the actual number of students and...

The role of open universities post-Covid

0 Anadolu University Anadolu University in Turkey is nominated by the Turkish Higher Degree Act of 1981 as the national provider of distance education.  Enrollment in...

Defining quality and online learning

The issue Institutions are struggling to define online or digital learning for their students. In particular, students need to know whether a course requires attendance...

A review of Stephen Downes’ latest contribution to the theory of connectivism

Downes, S. (2022) Connectivism, Half an Hour, 9 February In an earlier post I gave an overview of Stephen Downes' latest update of his theory of connectivism....

Book review: Teaching in the Post Covid-19 Era

Fayed, I. and Cummings, J. (2021) Teaching in the Post Covid 19 Era Springer: Cham, Switzerland, 764 pp This is a longish post - you...