Sunday, February 23, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Call for papers: special edition on online business education

CALL FOR PAPERS: Journal of International Education in Business special issue on Distance Learning  OVERVIEW: With over one-third of all business schools offering fully online business...

IRRODL, Vol. 12. No. 6: an evolving web-based journal

Vol. 12, No. 6 of the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning continues to evolve the concept of the online, web-based journal. New...

Authors required: informal learning and educational technology

The Journal of Educational Technology and Society is seeking authors for a special issue on “Technologies for the Seamless Integration of Formal and Informal Learning” This...

Journal: Distance Education, Vol. 32, No. 1 now available

Is online distance education about to collapse like the Tower of Babel? So asks Jon Baggaley Distance Education, Vol. 32, No. 1, May 2011 The academic...

Journal on the web and the internationalization of universities

  RUSC: Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento Vol. 8, No. 2 RUSC  is an e-journal published by the Open University of Catalonia, Spain. The...

Quality assurance in e-learning: two developments

Have you just seen Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris and can't wait to get there? If you can get it organized in a week,...

Book: Managing Technology in Higher Education now available

Bates, A. and Sangrà, A. (2011) Managing Technology in Higher Education: Strategies for Transforming Teaching and Learning San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/John Wiley & Co. Now out!...

New web site design for Contact North

Contact North, which provides support services for students and institutions delivering distance education programs into northern and rural Ontario, has just redesigned its web...

Creativity in OERs: call for papers

Special Issue of the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning (EURODL): Fostering Creativity - The Use of Open Educational Resources The Chief Editor, Alan Tait,...

IRRODL: Call for papers on ’emergent learning’

IRRODL is now requesting contributions for peer review and possible publication in an upcoming special issue. Emergent Learning, Connections, and Design for Learning Editors: ...