Thursday, March 27, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

AI comes to my web site – meet Tonybots

  Resistance is futile First made popular by the Daleks in the BBC series Dr. Who in the 1960's (sorry, Star Trek fans), this phrase reflects...
Human hand touching an artificial hand before a sun/bright light

Contact North establishes resource hub on AI in Higher Education

Contact North | Contact Nord is creating a hub on that pulls together and highlights key applications of AI in higher education, with...

Contact North widens access to third edition of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’

Contact North is now also hosting the third edition of Teaching in a Digital Age: It is also available from BCcampus at: At the...

Arizona State to offer a VR experience for Introductory Biology

Schaffhauser, D. (2020) Arizona State Partnership to Embed VR into Intro Biology Courses, Campus Technology, 7 October Here is another application of VR to add...

Notice: website under redesign

This web site is now more than 10 years old, and the design has not changed over this period. In the meantime, there have...

Woolf University: the Airbnb of higher education or a sheep in wolf’s clothing?

Broggi, J.D. et al. (2018) Building the first blockchain university, Oxford UK, April 3 You are going to hear a lot about Woolf University over...

Our responsibility in protecting institutional, student and personal data in online learning

WCET (2018) Data Protection and Privacy Boulder CO: WCET United States Attorney's Office (2018) Nine Iranians Charged With Conducting Massive Cyber Theft Campaign On Behalf Of...

Important developments in indigenous online learning

Royal Roads University (2018) First Nations Technology Council and Royal Roads University celebrate partnership in education, innovation Victoria BC: Royal Roads University, press release, 23...

E-portfolios from Dublin City University to enhance student employability

Dublin City University (2017) DCU launches new online learning portfolio to enhance student employability 24 May I have been neglecting my blog because I have...

Welcome back and what you may have missed in online learning over the summer

I hope you all had a great summer break and have come back fully charged for another always challenging year in teaching. I thought...