Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

2nd Sloan-C Symposium on Emerging Technology in Online Learning

2nd Sloan-C Symposium on Emerging Technology in Online Learning Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, June 17-19, 2009 Experts, intermediate users and novices are welcome to participate in...

Why the Internet should NOT be used for distance education in developing countries

The Vol. 9, No. 3 edition (2008) of the International Journal of Open and Distance Learning includes a very nice YouTube Video Editorial ~...


ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN, the 'largest global e-learning conference for the corporate, education and public service sectors, is the key annual networking event for the...

Rock the Academy: Radical Teaching, Unbounded Learning

The 12th in the Series of NMC Virtual Symposia November 4-6, 2008, via the Internet Proposals for presentations for Rock the Academy: Radical Teaching, Unbounded Learning,...

ICELW 2009 – The International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace

We are pleased to announce the Call for Proposals for ICELW 2009:ICELW 2009 - The International Conference on E-learning in the WorkplaceJune 10th-12th, 2009Teachers...

e-learningAfrica conference, 2009

eLearning Africa Date Announced The 4th event in the series of eLearning Africa conferences and exhibitions will take place from May 27th - 29th, 2009...

Virtual worlds and librarianship

Dear Colleague: I'm very pleased to call your attention to the lastest online learning opportunities produced by LearningTimes and the Alliance Library System. It’s a Virtual,...

Trends and Issues in Open and Distance Learning in Africa

International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning ( is broadcasting a Call for Proposals for a theme issue entitled: "Trends and Issues...

Journal of Distance Education

Vol 22, No 3 (2008) is now available (click here) Table of Contents Articles Educational Quality Correlates of Online Graduate Management Education Murray R. Millson, David Wilemon Dialogue and...

Online Master’s programme in Chinese Business Law (in English)

A new online programme leading to a Master of Laws in Chinese Business Law (Business Applications), and due to start in October 2008, is...