Discussing classroom-type online learning
I am slowly working on the third edition of Teaching in a Digital Age. I have added a section to the first chapter on...
What I did in online learning in 2021
This is my (self-imposed) 'accountability' report for 2021, mainly for personal reasons, but it will also give readers of this blog a chance to...
Webinar: What is Online Learning Post-Pandemic?
As organizations and institutions look forward to post-pandemic offerings, many are examining to what degree online learning will factor into their daily operations as...
Some recent videos on the future of online learning
I'm listing here some of the recordings of recent presentations and webinars that include a good deal of input from faculty and/or graduate students.
Staying Online: a new book by Robert Ubell
Ubell, R. (2022) Staying Online: How to Navigate Digital Higher Education New York/London: Routledge, 180 pp
This book was published on September 7, 2021, and...
Grants for creating open courses – a British Columbia project
BCcampus (2021) Expression of interest: development of open courses Victoria, BC
BCcampus is offering grants of up to $8,000 to B.C. applicants who have developed,...
Decision-making in uncertain times: what recent research into online learning indicates
CDLRA Conversations: Decision-Making in Uncertain Times, September 6, 2021
The CDLRA (Canadian Digital Learning Research Association) is in the process of analysing the results from...
US$20 million for research into the use of AI for STEM online education
Yes! Weekly (2021) NSF Investing $20 million in effort to transform online education for adults, August 16
The National Science Foundation (NSF) announced on July 29,...
Working on a third edition of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age.’
I've now decided to start on a third edition of 'Teaching in a Digital Age.' I began work on the first edition in 2014...
Five core trends in teaching and learning post-Covid 19
If you have 15 minutes to spare, take a look at a (virtual) presentation I made to the University of Kent in the UK...