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Leadership Award
The CNIE Leadership Award is given in recognition of outstanding service to the field of technology or media in education or of...
Open Educational Resources Africa
OER Africa. OER Africa has been established in the belief that Open Educational Resources (OER) have a tremendously powerful positive role to play in developing and capacitating...
Second Life Essentials: How to Use Virtual Worlds in Higher Education
HigherEdHero is offering (for $199) a 60-minute webinar that 'will provide you with education and training to utilize Second Life for student and faculty...
2009 Canadian e-Learning Conference
Participate as a Presenter @ the 7th Annual Canadian e-Learning Conference!
Date & Location of Conference
June 17-19, 2009, UBC Vancouver, Point Grey Campus
Conference Theme
From Implementation...
8th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2009)
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
19-21 August 2009
ICWL is an annual international conference on web-based learning. Since
the first ICWL was held in Hong Kong in...
WCET Spring 2009 Webcast Series
WCET Spring 2009 Webcast Series: Bringing professional development to your doorstep!
Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications has a long history of excellent research and consultancy...
Nigeria’s Universities Commission explores distance learning
Open University Worldwide Nigeria’s Universities Commission explores distance learning In Partnership Feb (Note: not available online)
The Open University (U.K.) joined a round table...
New distance teaching skills course launched in China
Open University Worldwide (2009) New distance teaching skills course launched in China In Partnership Feb (Note: not available online)
The Open University (U.K.) and the...
Threat to online learning – from New York's Tax Department?
Stripling, J. (2009) 'Threat to online learning - from New York's Tax Department?' Inside Higher Education, Feb 23
An article about a ruling by New...
Canadian award for educational technology
The AMTEC Trust is pleased to offer the AMTEC Trust Award for 2009. This award is made available to those doing research, and creating...