CNIE conference, Canmore, Alberta, 2012
Who: CNIE- RCIÉ (Canadian Network for Innovation in Education)
Where: Radisson Hotel and Conference Centre, Canmore, Alberta
When: May 14-16, 2012
What: 'Green Aware as the theme of this year’s...
Big developments in e-books
Eisenberg, A. (2011) Making Science leap from the Page, New York Times, December 17
At last: an e-book designed to exploit digitality! This is a...
Beware ‘open access’ scam: Public Service UK
© KXPC, 2011
I was woken up at 6.00 am by a call from Scotland last week. (I'm not a morning person so wasn't pleased)....
Journal of Educational Technology & Society: special edition on advanced learning technologies
Vol. 14, No. 4 of the Journal of Educational Technology and Society is a collection of papers from researchers 'working on different disciplines related to...
Conference: Manitoba Association for Distributed Learning and Training (MADLaT), 2012
Manitoba Association for Distributed Learning and Training (MADLaT) 2012 International Conference
l'Université de Saint-Boniface, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
When: May 3-4, 2012
KEYNOTE : Sidneyeve Matrix, Queens University
Implications and...
Sloan conference on blended learning: registration open
9th Annual Sloan-C Blended Learning Conference and Workshop - Early Bird Registration Open
9th Annual Sloan-C Blended Learning Conference and Workshop
"Perfecting the Blend"
April 23-24, 2012
Sloan/Merlot symposium on emerging technologies: call for proposals
Emerging Technologies for Online Learning International Symposium – Call for Presentations opens Dec. 9
5th Annual Emerging Technologies for Online Learning International Symposium
A joint symposium...
Posts from a foreign land: Online Educa 2011, No. 3: Public Education ( #oeb11...
This is the last of three posts on the Online Educa Berlin 2011 conference and here I focus on the three education sessions I...
Posts from a foreign land: Online Educa 2011, No. 2: Corporate Learning ( #oeb11...
I realise that there's only one thing more 'dead' than yesterday's newspaper and that's yesterday's conference, so I apologise for the gap of two...
Posts from a foreign land: Online Educa 2011, No. 1 ( #oeb11 )
Why I'm here
This will be the first of several posts on this year's Online Educa Berlin conference. This is the first time I have...