Another journal goes open
The U.K. Association for Learning Technology (ALT) has announced that its journal: Research in Learning Technology is now an open access journal (previously it was published...
Apple makes iBooks 2 and cheap textbooks available – but is this a good...
© MacWorld 2012
Apple today announced a new strategy for its educational market:
iBooks 2, a new, upgraded version of its iBook application, featuring iBooks textbooks....
NMC Summer Conference 2012,MIT
The New Media Consortium's annual conference this year will be held between June 12-15, and will be hosted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the Hyatt...
The textbook of tomorrow
This very interesting graphic has been created by (and thanks Peter Kim for permission to re-use it here)
I would add one other functionality,...
Book review: Learning Theory and Online Technologies
Harasim, L. (2012) Learning Theory and Online Technologies New York/London: Routledge
Linda Harasim is one of the pioneers of online learning and this book brings...
New international quality label for e-learning courseware
epprobate is a new international quality label for courseware, an initiative of three organisations: The Learning Agency Network (LANETO), the Agence Wallonne des Télécommunication (AWT) and the e-Learning Quality Service Center...
Vancouver showcase of online learning innovations available on video
The Justice Institute of British Columbia and Vancouver Community College hosted an 'online showcase' on November 30, 2011, sponsored by the Metro Vancouver Educational...
IRRODL call for papers: Technology Enhanced Information Retrieval for Online Learning
The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning is planning a Special Issue on Technology Enhanced Information Retrieval for Online Learning (
Conference: Closing the generation gap, EDEN, Portugal, 2012
The next European Distance Education and e-learning Network (EDEN) conference in Porto, Portugal has a very interesting theme: 'Closing the gap from Generation Y...
Francophone colloque/conference in Montreal, 3-4 May, 2011
Colloque scientifique international sur les TIC en éducation : bilan, enjeux actuels et perspectives futures
Where: Sheraton, Montréal
When: May 3-4
What: Les organisateurs de ce colloque souhaitent apporter...