Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Video of presentation on ‘Designing online learning for the 21st century’

Université Laval has now made available the full video version on my presentation on this topic. It can viewed here: Apprentissage et enseignement à l'ère...

New book on learning design

Laurillard, D. (2012) Teaching as a Design Science: Building Pedagogical Patterns for Learning and Technology New York/London: Routledge, 258 pp, from $40 This book is just...

New doctoral program on e-learning from UOC

The Open University of Catalonia (UOC) is now seeking candidates for its doctoral program in e-learning: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya's research centre, the eLearn Centre,...

Harvard joins the MITx project

Lavoie, D. (2012) EdX Online Learning Project Announced By Harvard, MIT Huffington Post, May 2 Harvard University has joined the MITx project, now renamed edEX, supported...

A new online learning environment from the corporate training sector

SkillSoft (2012) SkillSoft Introduces SkillPort 8® - A Revolutionary Learning Experience Orlando FA/Nashua NH: SkillSoft, May 1 Is the higher education system learning enough from the...

Research posts in online learning at the European Commission

I don't normally advertise jobs on this site, but I am often asked if I take 'interns' (I don't, as a rule, as I...

The world’s largest supplier of free online learning? (updated, March 22, 2021)

Who do you think is the largest supplier of free online learning? MIT? Stanford? Carnegie Mellon's Open Learn Initiative? iTunesU? The UK's OpenLearn? The...

New online graduate diploma in online learning and teaching from Vancouver Island University

Vancouver Island University, one of British Columbia's public universities, has just announced a new graduate diploma in online learning and teaching, which with the...

New resources for online educators from Contact North

Over the last few months, Contact North has been gradually adding an impressive range of online resources to its Educator Portal. As well as the numerous articles...

Using interactive video for patient health education

Along with thousands of other people over 65, I''m scheduled for a partial knee replacement this summer. As part of the excellent pre-operational education...