Seminole Tribe of Florida offers indigenous online learning environment
Native American Times (2012) Native Learning Center Announces Launch of Online Learning Environment North American Times, August 3
The Seminole Tribe of Florida's Native Learning...
Literature review on online learning and productivity needed
Here is a chance for a consultancy which I have had to pass by because of other commitments/contractual arrangements:
The Higher Education Quality Council of...
Infographic on Google and memory
© online colleges: first published September 19, 2011
With the permission of onlinecolleges, I will be running a series of their infographics related to online learning.
LAK 2013: Third Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Leuven, Belgium
The library, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
What: Dialectics in Learning Analytics (well, it is a European location)
This third conference on learning analytics will be designed to...
UC Berkeley joins edX
Public Affairs (2012) UC Berkeley joins Harvard and MIT not-for-profit online learning collaborative Berkeley CA: UC Berkeley
Another big name joins the MOOC movement. However,...
Open Praxis wants articles on open education
ICDE announces a call for papers for its online journal Open Praxis. The theme of the relaunch issue, to be published in January 2013,...
New infographic on MOOCs
Onlinecolleges has developed a new infographic on MOOCs. To see the full-size image click here
Distance education conference: ADEIL
A Mesa to Remember: Exchange ideas and inspirations with other professionals who are engaged in or interested in distance education. Whether your interest is...
Reminder: EFQUEL forum on innovation in higher education
This is a reminder that EFQUEL (the European Foundation for Quality in e-Learning) is holding a three day forum on ‘“Learning for Open Innovation…. Transformation and Change for...