Spanish version of ‘Managing Technology in Higher Education’ now available
Bates, A. and Sangra, A. (2012) La gestión de la tecnología en la educación superior Barcelona ESP: Octaedro:ICE-UB
The Spanish version of 'Managing Technology in...
Seminole Tribe of Florida offers indigenous online learning environment
Native American Times (2012) Native Learning Center Announces Launch of Online Learning Environment North American Times, August 3
The Seminole Tribe of Florida's Native Learning...
Literature review on online learning and productivity needed
Here is a chance for a consultancy which I have had to pass by because of other commitments/contractual arrangements:
The Higher Education Quality Council of...
Infographic on Google and memory
© online colleges: first published September 19, 2011
With the permission of onlinecolleges, I will be running a series of their infographics related to online learning.
LAK 2013: Third Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Leuven, Belgium
The library, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
What: Dialectics in Learning Analytics (well, it is a European location)
This third conference on learning analytics will be designed to...
UC Berkeley joins edX
Public Affairs (2012) UC Berkeley joins Harvard and MIT not-for-profit online learning collaborative Berkeley CA: UC Berkeley
Another big name joins the MOOC movement. However,...
Open Praxis wants articles on open education
ICDE announces a call for papers for its online journal Open Praxis. The theme of the relaunch issue, to be published in January 2013,...
New infographic on MOOCs
Onlinecolleges has developed a new infographic on MOOCs. To see the full-size image click here
Distance education conference: ADEIL
A Mesa to Remember: Exchange ideas and inspirations with other professionals who are engaged in or interested in distance education. Whether your interest is...