Monday, March 17, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

WCET’s WOW awards for innovative uses of educational technologies

  The WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET) has announced the recipients of the 2013 WCET Outstanding Work (WOW) award, a competition that recognizes innovative...

Conference on research into MOOCs

What: MOOCs and Emerging Educational Models: Policy, Practice, and Learning Aim: to explore the progress and possibilities in the development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)....

Online learning and distance education are alive and well in Argentina

RUEDA (Red Universitaria de Educación a Distancia d'Argentina) is a network of 42 public universities across Argentina. This week I attended their sixth annual international conference...

Global survey of instructional designers

Concordia University, Montréal, Canada is broadening the scope of its research to create a relatively comprehensive picture of the profession and better understand what makes it...

The World Academy Forum on the Future of Global Higher Education.

I just came back from this conference at the University of California at Berkeley that took place between October 2-3. The World Academy of Art...

Education across space and time: Distance Education, Vol. 34, No.2

This special edition of the Australian-based Distance Education journal presents a selection of papers originally submitted to the Open and Distance Learning Association of...

Welcome back and a review of online learning developments in July and August

Here in Canada, tomorrow is the start of a new academic year. I know, because our garbage cans are full and the back lane...

Call for book chapters on mobile learning

What Title: Advancing Higher Education with Mobile Learning Technologies: Cases, Trends, and Inquiry-Based Methods The focus of this book will be on assessing the effectiveness of mobile technologies...

What happened in online learning in the summer? – 3

An Ontario online university? I have a strict rule when reporting news to make sure it's based on published secondary sources - in other words,...

Online Educa conference, Berlin, 2013

What:  The 19th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning and Training: Learning Moves. Learning is changing. Learning is also changing us. The world seems ever more...