Saturday, March 15, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

More webinars on ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’

Last year I did a series of five webinars on topics from my online, open textbook, 'Teaching in a Digital Age.' These proved to...

Welcome back and what you may have missed in online learning over the summer

I hope you all had a great summer break and have come back fully charged for another always challenging year in teaching. I thought...

My encounters with grizzly bears

I have always kept this blog as a strictly professional activity focused solely on online learning. However, I have something so extraordinary to report...

More details on ICDE’s World Conference on Online Learning

Contact North | Contact Nord, the organizer and host of the 27th International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) World Conference, launches the...

ISBN and citation for ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’

ISBNs I have now navigated Library and Archives Canada's system to get ISBNs (International Standard Book Numbers) issued for Teaching in a Digital Age and...

E-Learn 2016 conference near Washington DC

What: E-Learn--World Conference on E-Learning is an international conference organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) and co-sponsored by the...

OEB Conference, Berlin, 2016

What: OEB: Shaping the Future of Learning: The global, cross-sector conference on technology supported learning and training (formerly Online Educa). OEB is organised by ICWE GmbH, an international events...

EDEN Research Workshop, October, 2016

What: Forging New Pathways of research and innovation in open and distance learning: reaching from the roots The Ninth EDEN Research Workshop in Oldenburg, Germany,...

Conference in Africa: E-Learning Innovations

What: The 4th E-Learning Innovations Conference and Expo provides an opportunity to showcase cutting-edge research, innovation and contemporary e-learning practices. The main theme: Powering...

A look at online learning and digital wisdom from Madeira

Madeira Madeira is a Portuguese island in the Atlantic about 200 kilometres west of north-west Africa. I'd never been there before this year, but now it's twice in...