Monday, March 31, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Call for proposals about new media applications

Proposals for presentations for the NMC Symposium on New Media and Learning, a special 2-day, live online event to be held March 23-25, 2010,...

Canadian eLearning Conference 2010

From the organizers: Conference context Launched in 2003, the Canadian e-Learning Conference has developed into an engaging venue for practitioners, instructors, administrators, and students alike to...

Workshops on teaching math, literacy with Moodle and cells phones in class

CEET, the Community of Expertise in Educational Technology, is a professional learning forum for BC educators. It is an opportunity to network, explore...

Contact North looks to the future

Introduction Last week I spent two days at a strategic retreat for Contact North managers in Sudbury, Ontario. I had the privilege last summer of...

Call for proposals: Canadian e-learning Conference

Canadian e-Learning Conference: CeLC 2010 June 22-25, 2010 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Deadline for Submissions: Jan 31, 2010 Notification: March 31, 2010 Launched in 2003,...

Conferences on educational games, 2010

From Natasha Boskic Conferences Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair, Hong Kong, January 11-14, 2010 ( Design for Children, Industrial Design Centre (IDC), Indian Institute of Technology...

Videos on the relevance of education

Diego Leal, a visitor from Colombia to the Open Education Conference in Vancouver in August, made a series of short (2 minute) video interviews,...

EDEN 2010 annual conference

Where and when The European Distance Education and e-Learning Network's annual conference is one of the most prestigious e-learning conferences in Europe. This year it...

The limits of brain research for teaching

Marshall, A. (2009) "Use your brain!" - Neuroscience and Education, Online Educa Berlin News Portal, December 15 A useful summary of the limits of brain...

Podcasts available from Online Educa Berlin 2009 conference

Missed the conference? Well, you can get interviews with most of the keynote speakers and other podcasts from the conference by clicking here