Saturday, January 11, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord


Technology and alienation: symptoms, causes and a framework for discussion

This is the second post on the topic of technology, alienation and the role of education, with a particular focus on the consequences for...

Technology, alienation and the role of education: an introduction

Is there a problem here? I live a 30 minute drive from the U.S. border, and like many of my fellow Canadians (and many U.S....

Building an effective learning environment

I was asked by the Chang School of Continuing Studies at Ryerson University to do a master class on this topic at their ChangSchoolTalks...

Some comments on synchronous online learning technologies

Last week was a week of synchronous online sessions for me. I did 'virtual' keynotes into conferences in Tehran, Iran, and Beirut, the Lebanon, as...

Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the first fully online course

The first fully online course? I was talking to Linda Harasim earlier this week (we both live and work in the Vancouver area). Linda is...

Automation or empowerment: online learning at the crossroads

You are probably, like me, getting tired of the different predictions for 2016. So I’m not going to do my usual look forward for...

A Happy Online Learning New Year for 2016

I wish all the readers of this blog a wonderful New Year. May your online courses be innovative, fun and highly effective in developing...

That was the year that was: what you read on my blog in 2015

I find it a fun exercise to analyse the statistics for my blog at the end of the year, to see what were the...

That was the year that was: what I did in 2015

No, I didn't die and get a Viking funeral at sea from my grandchildren, as did Billy Connelly in the wonderfully funny movie "What...

That was the year, that was: main trends in 2015

Well, here we are at the end of another year. Doesn't time fly! So here is my look back on 2015. I'll do this...