How well has your institution integrated technology?
I'm currently writing a book with Albert Sangra of the Open University of Catalonia on the integration of technology within post-secondary institutions.The book is...
A personal view of e-learning at the University of British Columbia
The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (home of OLT)
It's now seven years since I resigned as Director of Distance Education and Technology at UBC,...
Great expectations for e-learning in 2010
In the Globe and Mail on December 19, Leah McLaren wrote:
'We are living in an Era of Perpetual Advice - and almost none of...
Six priorities for Canadian e-learning in 2010
Summary of my priorities
1. A requirement for all newly appointed full-time instructors in public Canadian post-secondary educational institutions to have a formal certification in...
The state of e-learning 2009
It's that time of year again. Here's a personal look back at e-learning in 2009 (I will do another blog on priorities for Canadian...
1000 postings
Tony blogging
This is the 1,000th posting on this web site since it opened on July 1, 2008, or roughly two posts a day, so...
Are learning management systems doomed?
As usual, George Siemen's blog is being provocative in his November 10, 2009 posting: Futue of learning: LMS or SNS, in which he argues...
So: is e-learning really failing in higher education? An answer
This is the last in a series of ten blogs on the topic: 'Is e-learning failing in higher education?' My blogs on this topic...
A personal view of e-learning in Saudi Arabia
A mosque in Arar, Northern Saudi Arabia. Arar is on the route for pilgrims from Iraq and Iran for the Haj in Mecca.
The purpose...
Barriers to change: Using technology to improve the cost-effectiveness of the academy: Part 3
The story so far
In an earlier post (Using technology to improve the cost-effectiveness of the academy: Part 1), I argued that higher education institutions...