No. 4 aha moment: Computers for communication, not as teaching machines
This is the fourth in a series of posts about the most seminal ‘discoveries’ in my researching and working in educational technology, where I...
North Korea launches two MOOCs
North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, went on national television on Thursday to announce that North Korea had successfully launched two MOOCs (massive open online...
No. 3 aha moment: asynchronous is (generally) better than synchronous teaching
In an earlier post, I listed the seven ‘aha’ moments that have been the most seminal ‘discoveries’ in my researching and working in educational...
No. 2 aha moment: God helps those that help themselves
In a previous post, I listed the seven ‘aha’ moments that have been the most seminal ‘discoveries’ in my researching and working in educational...
No. 1 aha moment: media are different
© Open University 2013
In a previous post, I listed the seven 'aha' moments that have been the most seminal 'discoveries' in my researching and...
My seven ‘a-ha’ moments in the history of educational technology
A good question
I get asked a lot of questions about online learning, educational technology and distance education, but recently I was asked one that...
Special edition of Open Praxis: Openness in Higher Education
Visualisation of the History of Openness in Education © Peters and Deimann, 2013
Openness in Higher Education (2103) Open Praxis, Vol. 5, No. 1
What is Open...
Online learning in California generates controversy
Booker, E. (2013) Online education policy draws fire in California Information Week: Education, January 11
This report of a one-day conference at UCLA: 'Rebooting Higher Education:...
Outlook for online learning in 2013: online learning comes of age
FunTab Class 9.1 Android ICS Tablet: will 2013 be the year of the tablet?
In a previous post, I talked about the difficulties in making...
Why predicting online learning developments is risky but necessary
Before drawing up my outlook for 2013, I want to discuss the important topic of prediction in online learning, in particular how predictions are...