Tracking online learning in the USA – and Ontario
Allen, I. and Seaman, J. (2014) Grade Change: Tracking Online Learning in the United States Wellesley MA: Babson College/Sloan Foundation
This is the eleventh annual report...
2020 Vision: Outlook for online learning in 2014 and way beyond
Taking the long view
Doug Saunders in the Globe and Mail on January 4 wrote an interesting piece on prediction, entitled: "Gadgets alone don't make...
The Downes Prize for 2013
Every year Stephen Downes awards a prize for the most 'popular' blog post on online learning that has appeared in his OLDaily column during...
The cost of being a student in Canada – and where to find online...
vouchercloud is a Canadian discount coupon website and they have a selection of student specific coupons. They have produced the above infographic focusing on the cost of being a student in...
Happy holidays with my 2,000th post
I'd like to wish all readers of this blog a merry Christmas, happy Hanuka, or a fantastic holiday, whatever your faith or lack of...
Productivity and online learning redux
Summarizing the previous posts
In previous posts (see end of this post), I tried to identify a range of areas where online learning might enable...
Productivity and online learning: an summary of the main concepts
This is the first of two final posts in the series on whether online learning can increase educational ‘productivity.’ In this post I discuss...
Look back in anger? A review of online learning in 2013
Well, where did 2013 go? It seems like only last week I was writing the 2012 review!This year, I did better with my predictions...
MOOCs, Norway, and the ecology of digital learning
© Ron Niebrugge, 2013 MOOCs are just one species in the online digital forest - and a big and clumsy oneEarlier this week I...
Can online learning lead to productivity gains through savings on campus facilities?
Apologies for the web site being down on November 10, due to a domain registration problem with CIRA which has now been resolved.
This is...