Monday, March 10, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord
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That was the year that was for online learning: thank you and goodbye, 2014

Well, where on earth did 2014 go? It seems as if it's only just started! What I did in 2014 2014 though is a significant year...

Using time and space in online learning

This is another post on the characteristics of educational media and technology, which form part of Chapter 8, 'Understanding Technology in Education' for my...

Are you broadcasting or networking when teaching online?

My next three or so posts will be looking at key characteristics of media and technologies, again as part of Chapter 8 on 'Understanding...

Choosing design models for a digital age

Oh, dear, it appears that I missed out in posting the conclusion to my Chapter 6, on Models for Designing Teaching and Learning for my...

Moving beyond technology in designing online learning

This next post in my chapter on 'Understanding Technology in Education' for my book, Teaching in a Digital Age' is a long one, but...

Why is choosing the right technology such a challenge for education?

I'm now starting on my next chapter for my open textbook, 'Teaching in a Digital Age', and this chapter, called 'Understanding Technology in Education',...

Educational technology 30 years on: why hasn’t education changed much?

Bates, A.W. (ed.) (1984) The Role of Technology in Distance Education London/New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis For some inexplicable reason, Routledge, of the publishing group Taylor...

Can you do experiential learning online? Assessing design models for experiential learning

One of the frustrating things about writing a book (Teaching in a Digital World) is that just when you think you've finished a chapter,...

Two design models for online collaborative learning: same or different?

I am now about to wrap up my Chapter 5 on Design models, for my open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age. Here I am...

‘Agile’ Design: Flexible designs for the digital age

Before I was rudely interrupted by MOOCs, I had almost finished my chapter on Models for Designing Teaching and Learning for my open textbook,...