Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord
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Online learning for beginners: 1. What is online learning?

Getting started in online learning? Every day, someone new either thinks about doing an online course, or is pressured into doing one. You may have...

Getting faculty and instructors into online learning

I mentioned in an earlier post that we don't always do a very good job in helping people new to the field of online learning...

Brexit and online learning in Europe

Little England triumphs Well, Little England has triumphed at last. The votes in suburban and industrial England and Wales were enough to defeat Londoners, Scots...

Talking numbers about open publishing and online learning

Please forgive me here for a little self-indulgence. By sheer coincidence, two statistics converged yesterday. 2 million blog post hits First, I passed the 2 million...

French version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’ now available

The French version of 'Teaching in a Digital Age', L'enseignement a l'ère numerique', is now available from here. I am very grateful to Contact North|Contact Nord...

Culture and effective online learning environments

Figure A 1 from the original version of ‘Teaching at a Distance’ Over the last two months I have done a couple of workshops on...

Technology and alienation: symptoms, causes and a framework for discussion

This is the second post on the topic of technology, alienation and the role of education, with a particular focus on the consequences for...

Technology, alienation and the role of education: an introduction

Is there a problem here? I live a 30 minute drive from the U.S. border, and like many of my fellow Canadians (and many U.S....

Building an effective learning environment

I was asked by the Chang School of Continuing Studies at Ryerson University to do a master class on this topic at their ChangSchoolTalks...

Some comments on synchronous online learning technologies

Last week was a week of synchronous online sessions for me. I did 'virtual' keynotes into conferences in Tehran, Iran, and Beirut, the Lebanon, as...