Tracking innovations in online learning in Canada
I've not been blogging much recently because, frankly, I've been too busy, and not on the golf course or ski slopes, either. (Yeah, so...
A Spanish version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’ is now available
I am very pleased to announced that La Enseñanza en la Era Digital, a complete, open, online Spanish version of 'Teaching in a Digital Age', translated...
2016: The Year I Failed Retirement
The new age of retirement
I decided in April 2014 'to stop (nearly) all professional activities from now onwards'. I argued that 'it is dangerous...
Online learning in 2016: a personal review
Image: © Institute for Economics and Peace. Canada is ranked seventh most peaceful. We don't know where it ranks though in terms of online...
Are you ready for blended learning?
I've just come back from visiting two universities in central Canada and I have also been getting feedback from pilot institutions on the questionnaire we...
Building a national survey of online learning in Canada
The players
Since April I have been leading a small team that has been trying to build from scratch a national survey of online learning...
Towards an open pedagogy for online learning
The problems with OER
I was interviewed recently by a reporter doing an article on OER (open educational resources) and I found myself being much more...
Report on SFU’s experiences of teaching with technology
I always enjoy going to a university or college and seeing how they are using learning technologies. I am always a little surprised and...
Initiating instructors to online learning: 10 fundamentals
Click to download the pdf
What? Not ANOTHER book from me? Well, no, not quite.
'Teaching in a Digital Age' has been a great success but...
Who are the founding fathers of distance education?
Steve Wheeler interviewed three old guys, Michael Moore, Sir John Daniel and myself, at the EDEN conference in Budapest this summer, and has posted...