Sunday, January 12, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

MIT and German research on the [appalling] use of video in xMOOCs

Hansch, A. et al. (2015) Video and Online Learning: Critical Reflections and Findings From the Field Berlin DE: Alexander von Humbolt Institut für Internet und...

Rebuilding the First Nations University of Canada

Tamburri, R. (2015) First Nations University poised to take on larger role in Canadian society University Affairs, June 2 As a follow-up to my last post...

What is the role of Canadian universities in indigenous education?

Universities Canada (2015) Universities Canada principles on Indigenous education Ottawa: Universities Canada, June 29 Yesterday was Canada Day, and I am very proud to be Canadian....

A new online learning platform from New Zealand

Open Polytechnic (2015) Open Polytechnic launches online learning platform Lower Hutt NZ: Open Polytechnic I'm not sure the world needs another LMS (sorry, an 'online learning...

Athabasca University’s troubles grow

Bako, O. (2015) AU taskforce releases sustainability report, The Athabasca Advocate, June 9 I hate to rely on third-party reports, but a thorough web search...

Investments in game-based learning and learning technology continues to grow

Banville, L. (2015) Reports Highlight Strong Growth and Investor Interest in China, U.S. Game-based Learning Games and Learning, May 31 This is an interesting report that...

Next steps for the European HE system

Klemenčič, M. and Ashwin, P. (2015) What's next for Europe? Inside Higher Ed, May 26 As my holiday in Italy draws to a close, I...

Update on online learning in Africa

Anderson, M. (2015) Out of Africa: e-learning makes further education a reality for tens of thousands The Guardian, May 20 The opening this week of the...

Lessons about researching technology-enhanced instruction

Lopes, V. and Dion, N. (2105) Pitfalls and Potential: Lessons from HEQCO-Funded Research on Technology-Enhanced Instruction Toronto ON: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario Since it's...

UBC develops an institutional strategy for learning technologies

Bates, S. et al. (2015) UBC’s Learning Technology Ecosystem: Developing a Shared Vision, Blueprint & Roadmap Vancouver BC: University of British Columbia I've not been...