Monday, March 17, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

A History of Reading

Manguel, A. (1996) A History of Reading London: Harper Collins

Perspectives in Web Course Management

Mann, B. (ed.) 2000 Perspectives in Web Course Management Toronto, Ont.: Canadian Scholars Press

Calidad de los procesos de formación en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. Necesidad de la...

Martínez González, R.-A.. et al (2005) Calidad de los procesos de formación en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. Necesidad de la Evaluación Inicial (Quality in...

On qualitative differences in learning I. Outcome and process

Marton, F. and Saljo, R. (1976) ‘On qualitative differences in learning I. Outcome and process’, British Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 46, pp. 4-11

Qualitative Researching

Mason, J. (1996) Qualitative Researching. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Globalising Education: Trends and Applications

Mason, R. (1998) Globalising Education: Trends and Applications London: Routledge

Quality and e-Learning in Europe

Massy, J. (2002) Quality and e-Learning in Europe Reading, UK: Bizmedia Ltd Maughan, G. (ed.) (2001) Technology Leadership: Communication and Information Systems in Higher Education...

Signs of disengagement? The changing undergraduate experience in Australian Universities

McInnes, C. (2001) Signs of disengagement? The changing undergraduate experience in Australian Universities. Inaugural professorial lecture, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University...

The implications of the research literature on learning styles for the design of instructional...

McLoughlin, C. (1999) ‘The implications of the research literature on learning styles for the design of instructional material’ Australian Journal of Educational Technology Vol....

Quality assurance for online courses: implementing policy at RMIT

McNaught, C. (2000) ‘Quality assurance for online courses: implementing policy at RMIT’ Assessment, Jan/Feb 2002