What are the key online learning markets over the next few years?
Lomas, S. and Ashburn, E. (2019) The next wave of online education San Francisco CA: Entangled Solutions
Schroeder, R. (2019) Plotting the Future of Your...
Rethinking the purpose of online learning: 5. Setting priorities
In the first four posts in this series I looked at the following possible reasons for online learning:
Ontario’s strategy to use online learning...
Rethinking the purpose of online learning: 3. Supporting disadvantaged learners
This is the third post in a series on rethinking the purpose of online learning. In the first post, I discussed Ontario's strategy of...
Rethinking the purpose of online learning: 2. Using online learning to reduce the costs...
This is the second of three posts examining the purpose of online and digital learning. In the first post I looked at the government...
The Open University is 50 years old today
BBC (2019) Open University: Photos Issued to Mark 50th Anniversary, April 17
My personal story
The British Open University received its charter on April 23, 1969....
A review of AI and synchronous online learning in 2018
Although I'm trying to retire, or at least ease up a little, 2018 turned out to be a really busy work year for me....
Another perspective on AI in higher education
Klutka, J. et al. (2018) Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Current Uses and Future Applications Louisville Ky: Learning House
This report is by Learning House,...
Athabasca University moves to the cloud
I'm struggling to understand how artificial intelligence is going to impact on post-secondary education, and in particular on online learning, at least over the...
New enrolment data for online learning in Canadian universities and colleges
Helped a great deal by Jeff Seaman of the Babson Survey Research Group, I have spent the last few weeks (when not on holiday...
First Nations art and dance, a new campus, and moving to sustainable open education:...
I apologise for the lack of blog posts these last couple of months. I have been busy analysing and writing up data on course...