Friday, January 10, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Can artificial intelligence transform higher education? What does research say?

The answer Not yet. The research Springer Open has just published the editorial of the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education's special issue on artificial...

Crashing into online learning: a report from five continents – and some conclusions

  I am beginning to come across reports of how different countries around the world are moving to online learning as a result of Covid-19,...

Two successful approaches to moving on-campus courses online due to Covid-19

Schaffhauser, D. (2020) Distance Learning Ramp-up: A Strategic View Campus Technology, April 23  Phelps, J. (2020) SNHU to cut tuition from $31,000 to $10,000, revamp...

First data on the shift to emergency online learning

Lederman, D. (2020) How Teaching Changed in the (Forced) Shift to Remote Inside Higher Education, April 22 Who did the study? This is a report of...

Corona-virus and online learning in k-12 schools: my unadvice + excellent advice from elsewhere

I've not been blogging much because I've been a bit overwhelmed with work for obvious reasons the last month or so. However, I see...

デジタル時代の教育: Japanese version of Teaching in a Digital Age now available

With many thanks to Doug Strable (a graduate of Royal Roads University's Master of Arts in Learning and Technology now working in Japan), Professor...

Online learning responsible for 10% of the UK economy – it is claimed

Glover, B. et al. (2020) The Learning Curve: How the UK is Harnessing the Potential of Online Learning London UK: Demos UK What is 'Demos...

Five new webinars based on Teaching in a Digital Age

I will be offering through Contact North five new webinars based on 'Teaching in a Digital Age': During the first 25 minutes of each interactive...

Accessing translations of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’

One unwelcome side-effect of doing a second edition is that the translations into the seven other different language versions (Chinese, Farsi, French, Portuguese, Spanish,...

Canadian post-secondary enrolments: the role of online learning

Statistics Canada has published its latest report on student enrolments for the academic year 2017-2018. This coincides with the data from the latest report...