Our courses are open to all older people and disabled younger people anywhere in the world. They are especially suited to older members of the community who are isolated either geographically, or through physical or social circumstances (including carers).
U3A Online is operated by a group of U3A enthusiasts across Australia. We develop online courses using the skills of our volunteer subject experts, writers and editors. Our courses are accessible throughout the year and can be studied either with the guidance of a course leader, or independently at a time to suit you. The U3A Online website is hosted by Griffith University, Brisbane.
The U3A Online project is the initiative of a group of U3A enthusiasts. It was originally funded by the Australian Government as a project for the United Nations International Year of Older Persons in 1999 and has continued to receive funding from the Australian Government and considerable help from other Supporters.’
Thanks to Anna Grabowska, Poland, for drawing this to my attention.
Your article is exactly what I ve been searching for. Your information is conceise and focused. If all bloggers could be as reader oriented as you, the internet would be a lot more clear!
Been trying to find specifics in the US but if it’s virtual, it probably doesn’t matter. Where do we look for more details?
Hi, Colleen
As often happens the organization has changed its urls, without adding forward links to the new ones. Here is the new url for U3A Online: http://www.u3aonline.org.au/
I’ve corrected the urls in the original article and thanks for letting me know