I am offering two quite different webinars next week on the future of online learning.
Contact North
This will be the last in my series of five webinars for Contact North based on themes in the revised edition of Teaching in a Digital Age. The webinar will be at 1.00 pm Eastern on Tuesday, May 5
Title: What are the Myths, Realities and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Learning Analytics?
Abstract: During this interactive webinar, I will offer insights and guidelines about using artificial intelligence (AI) and learning analytics in post-secondary education. The presentation will be interspersed with moderated questions, answers and discussion, where participants can contribute from their own knowledge and experience of the topic.
To register, click here
Penn State University
Penn State University’s American Centre for the Study of Distance Education is hosting the following webinar at 3.00 pm Eastern on Tuesday, May 5th.
Title: The next five years: future directions for online learning
Abstract: The recent corona virus has shown that for most institutions, online learning and distance education are no longer an option but a necessity, especially as a back-up in emergencies. However, even before this, there was strong evidence that online learning is becoming mainstream in North American higher education. This webinar will explore how the role of online and digital learning is expanding beyond increasing access, to supporting the development of the key knowledge and skills students need in a digital age.
To register, click here