I know all my readers will be interested in the answer to this question!
The International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education has recently put out a call for papers on this topic.
Papers are invited on the following topics:
- Pedagogical implications of AI for teaching and learning in HE
- Research on the effectiveness of actual AI applications for teaching and learning in HE
- The impact of AI on the assessment of learning
- The potential of AI technologies to enhance teaching and learning in HE
- The impact of AI on the role of human teachers in HE
- Social and/or ethical issues in using AI for teaching and learning in HE
- Costs and benefits of using AI in teaching and learning HE
- The impact of AI on the management and administration of teaching and learning in HE
- Priority will be given to papers that are based on actual applications of AI for teaching and learning in higher education, and which contain empirical research on outcomes and practices, although the editors are also interested in social and ethical issues that have arisen (or could arise) from the application of AI in HE.
Deadline for submissions:
5 August 2019
Lead guest editor
Tony Bates, The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Ryerson Univeristy, Toronto, Canada
Guest editors
Cristóbal Cobo, Center for Research – Ceibal Foundation, Montevideo, Uruguay
Olga Mariño, FLAG-TICSW Research Group, Systems and Computing Engineering Department, Universidad de los Andes
Steve Wheeler, Plymouth Institute of Education, United Kingdom
If you or anyone you know has something worthwhile to day on this subject, we’d love to hear from you or them – but first carefully read the submission guidelines