The first six chapters of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age‘ are now available in Turkish from the BCcampus Open Textbook web site. The following six chapters will become available over the next few months.
I am very grateful to Dr. Muge Adnan, Director of Distance Education Centre and Head of Informatics Department, Mugla SK University, Turkey and Dr. Yasemin Gulbahar, Deputy Director of Distance Education Centre and Head of Informatics Department, Ankara University, Turkey, for volunteering to do the daunting task of translating 500 pages+ into Turkish.
I am very pleased to have a Turkish version as Turkey has a great deal of online and distance education.
The Turkish version is now added to the English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and Vietnamese versions, all available from the BCcampus Open Textbook web site.
There are also translations into Farsi, Arabic, Hebrew and Japanese under way.
I will use this blog site to update you as the translations become available.