Following my keynote at the ‘Dé Onderwijsdagen’ conference in the Netherlands this week (a blog post about my presentation and a video recording of the full presentation will be available shortly), I was interviewed by Zac Woolfitt from Inholland, a large multi-campus Hogeschool (University of Applied Science) in the Netherlands.
Inholland is just embarking on implementing blended and hybrid learning, and is using my book as a guide for faculty and instructors.
This is a short (under 10 minutes) edited recording of the interview (click on the image above or here to play the recording).
Here are the questions I try to address in the interview:
- how should an organisation take the [necessary] steps into blended learning?
- how are institutions using the book [Teaching in a Digital Age] for faculty development?
- could Inholland use my book for a teacher training course?
- what advice would you give to teachers? Is there an approach you would recommend (for blended learning)?
- are there trends that are pushing [online learning]?
- what advice would you give our Board of Governors about the right way to move forward?