What: 13th Annual MADLaT conference: The conference promises lots of opportunities for you to explore relevant issues in e-learning and educational technology, inspire you with new ideas and provide time for you to network with colleagues
Who: The Manitoba Association for Distributed Learning and Training.
Where: Red River College Notre Dame Campus located at 2055 Notre Dame Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba
When: 1-2 May, 2014
Keynote: Richard Van Eck is a professor of Instructional Design & Technology at the University of North Dakota and a leading researcher on serious games. For more on those presenting, click here
How: For information on conference fees and how to register, click here.
And, yes, the snow WILL be gone by May 1!
Hi Tony,
What a beautiful picture! It looks onto the Saint. Boniface Cathedral, toward l’Université de Saint-Boniface, my employer.
Thanks for promoting our Educational Technology conference in Winnipeg, May 1 and 2. It promises to be a great event!
re-photo caption, it should read “near the Forks” (not Falls). The Forks are the historic meeting place at the junction of the Red and Assiniboine rivers in Wpg. Where the French speaking Voyageurs, Métis, First Nations and European immigrants settled, traded goods and established their communities.
Hope to have many visitors at this event and throughout our warm sunny summer in Winnipeg!
David Larocque
Digital Media Instructor
Université de Saint-Boniface
Program committee member/MADLaT
Thanks, David, and sorry for typo – yes, I meant the Forks! Good luck with conference – I’ve always enjoyed MADLaT. Just sorry I can’t make it this year.