Every year Stephen Downes awards a prize for the most ‘popular’ blog post on online learning that has appeared in his OLDaily column during 2013 (he explains how he makes the award in the same post that announces the winner.) This year’s winner was a bit of a surprise, at least for me, but there are some other excellent posts that get honourable mentions.
Now someone needs to come up with a prize for Stephen, who is the world’s most consistent and interesting blogger on online learning.
[…] Tony Bates, on acknowledging being the recipient of the 2013 Downes Prize, suggests that someone needs to bestow a similar honour on Stephen. I concur. So, the inaugural Norman Prize is hereby awarded to Stephen Downes. […]
[…] “the world’s most consistent and interesting blogger on online learning” (at least according to Tony Bates, anyway). Yes, his site is on my link list at the right, and I browse his latest contributions from […]