I’d like to wish all readers of this blog a merry Christmas, happy Hanuka, or a fantastic holiday, whatever your faith or lack of it. I will be back with more posts after December 25.
This also happens to be my 2,000th post since I started this blog on 30 June, 2008, which averages almost exactly one per day over five and a half years. This site gets between 20,000 – 30,000 hits a month. Nowhere near the output or traffic compared with Stephen Downes’ blog, but then who could possibly match that standard?
So enjoy your turkey, and have a great time with family and friends – and no logging on!
Congratulations for all your successes, and 2,000th blog post’s, I hope to reach this count some day, but Stephen Downes’ blog output is a very high standard , ja ja ja.
Merry Christmas for you Prof. Tony.