Contact North (2013) An Overview of the Strategic Mandate Agreement Proposals Prepared by Ontario’s Public Colleges and Universities: Online Learning Set to Expand and Become a Core Function Sudbury ON: Contact North|Contact Nord
The context
Ontario is the largest province in Canada, geographically, demographically and economically. It has 24 universities and 24 colleges, and hence is a driving force in Canadian post-secondary education.
In response to the challenges of increased access, higher quality, and fiscal constraint, Ontario’s Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities requested in August 2012 that each post-secondary education institution in the province submit a strategic mandate agreement (SMA) proposal. Each institution was asked to provide a brief submission identifying three priority objectives, and a vision of how the institution plans to implement the objectives, using a template provided by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. (The documents submitted by each institution are available online.)
Contact North, Ontario’s publicly-funded Distance Education and Training Network, has published a ‘non-exhaustive’ analysis of the institutions’ proposed priority objectives to highlight the key patterns related to educational access, flexibility, student success, and university and college cooperation – and the central role to be played by technology in the future of postsecondary education in Ontario.
Key findings from the analysis
- goals in the mandates reflect the needs of a very diverse population and a massive geographical territory
- enhanced services and possibilities for specific populations, including Aboriginals and Francophones
- a planned rapid expansion of online and hybrid learning, as well as an increased use of technology for classroom-based learning
- a rapid deployment of emerging learning technologies, such as mobile learning, simulations and virtual worlds
- an expansion of credit transfer between and among colleges and universities, and within consortia
- pathways being opened to more rapid diploma and degree completion
- an enhanced focus on experiential learning, applied research and entrepreneurialism
- new programs and institutes to address regional and provincial needs
- an expansion of institutional collaboration and cooperation
Among the 21 universities submitting agreement proposals, 18 specifically mentioned plans for an increase in online and/or blended learning activities.
Among the 23 colleges submitting agreement proposals, 21 specifically mentioned plans for an increase in online and/or blended learning.
The analysis identified five common elements emerging from the mandate statements:
- Specific educational goals related to the needs of local communities;
- More choice and flexibility for learners;
- Greater co-operation and collaboration between the provincial post-secondary institutions;
- Increased innovation in teaching and better learning outcomes as a result;
- An expectation of greater productivity: more and better learning for each dollar invested.
Online and hybrid learning seem set to expand rapidly on an already extensive base, and perhaps more significantly, online learning is becoming a core function and competency of nearly all public post-secondary institutions in the province.
The Contact North document covers a wider range of activities than just online learning, and also provides detailed examples to illustrate each finding.
Next steps
The strategic mandate statements are just one of a range of written submissions and discussions that will provide ‘direct input to the development of a post secondary productivity and transformation strategy‘ by the Ministry. However, this will not become clear until after the government has a new premier and cabinet following a leadership contest this coming weekend.
Declaration of interest
I am a Contact North research associate and contributed to the publication.
[…] Online learning set to expand and become a core function in Ontario’s universities and colleges […]