AP (2012) NH launches online money management game Vanguard, February 12


The U.S. Treasury Department recently awarded grants to five states to expand financial education and counseling services for prospective homebuyers. While the other states set up more traditional face-to-face counseling programs, the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority created an online program that includes an educational game aimed at making the process more enjoyable.

The game is set up as a “financial freedom island cruise.” Each island represents lessons on budgeting and credit management. Participants earn money by answering questions correctly or by “spinning” the cruise ship’s wheel for bonus prizes — “You won $400 at bingo!” — though it’s all just part of the game….

The idea for the program stemmed from a family self-sufficiency program the finance authority already offers for people trying to build their assets and get out of poverty.

While there are other websites dedicated to the same topic, they often feature advertising. About 100 people have signed up for the New Hampshire program so far, and the goal is to register at least 600 in the next year and a half.


This won’t of itself solve the US housing mess created by the banks, but it does provide an interesting way of helping people manage their money after they’ve been ripped off by the banks.

But will it also help Americans realise that they cannot get quality public services such as schools and universities if they don’t pay taxes? Now that would be a financial education.


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