The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research has a call for papers for a special issue on law and virtual worlds:
This special issue will focus on legal questions generated by the creation, regulation and participation in virtual worlds. We are looking for papers that explore beyond the basics of ‘the magic circle’ (asserting that virtual worlds are immune from external laws and norms) and consider emerging legal issues that may encourage or inhibit the uptake of virtual worlds. In particular, we are interested in papers that adopt a multi-jurisdictional focus and which propose new ways that the legal issues may be approached by developers and regulators. Innovative and creative papers are encouraged.
The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is an online, open access academic journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect virtual worlds research.
this “Law and Virtual Worlds” issue will be edited by
- Melissa de Zwart, Adelaide Law School, Australia
- Greg Lastowka, Rutgers School of Law-Camden, USA
- Dan Hunter, New York Law School. USA
You can access this call directly through their website.