Just for the record. These are the posts that received the most hits on my site over the last 12 months.

If you missed something, just click on it.

Recommended graduate programs in e-learning 11,191
e-learning outlook for 2011 4,868
How does the University of Phoenix measure up? 4,746
E-learning quality assurance standards, organizations and research 3,401
OERs: the good, the bad and the ugly 3,013
The online higher education market in the USA 2,940
International comparisons in higher education: the OECD’s Education at a Glance 2,206
Tony’s Papers 1,866
Videos On E-Learning And Distance Education 1,816
A personal view of e-learning in Saudi Arabia 1,747
Comparing apples with oranges: online vs face-to-face learning in community colleges 1,700
Tony’s Calendar 1,567
e-Learning and 21st century skills and competences 1,511
Why the current professional development model is broken 1,456
The future of instructional design – or my heart belongs to ADDIE 1,386
Best and worst university web sites 1,365
Tony’s Books 1,342
Does technology change the nature of knowledge? 1,313
Kindle vs iPad: the Reed College comparison 1,255
Does technology really enhance the quality of teaching and learning? 1,161
European report on the future of learning 1,156
Learning to Teach Online: a Professional Development resource 1,139
Can you teach ‘real’ engineering at a distance? 1,132
E-learning in 2011: a retrospective 1,066
Great expectations for e-learning in 2010 1,062
Advice on online learning from 13 world experts 1,033
Managing dairy farming with mobile devices in Kenya 1,022


I’ve removed hits on ‘Latest’, ‘home page’ and on my bio. (The latter was grossly inflated the day Tony Bates, the CEO of Skype, and an entirely different person, sold Skype to Microsoft. I’m still waiting for Microsoft to buy my site! I wonder if it will generate as much outrage.)

Both the first and the fourth highest posts are for resources created in 2009 (although updated subsequently). I’m very pleased that these have proved such popular resources. If you have suggestions for other collections of resources, let me know. (No, not OERs! There are lots of other sites!)

Obviously, posts early in the year are likely to get more hits than posts at the end of the year (so my retrospective on 2011 posted earlier this month has done well).

I don’t see any real pattern. Since a lot of potential or actual students access this site, it’s not surprising that the article on the University of Phoenix has attracted so much interest.

I’m surprised at the popularity of the post on Saudi Arabia. I suspect that there is more in this than just an interest in e-learning, but who knows?

Any comments or observations?

Next post: outlook for 2012


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