The Journal of Educational Technology and Society is seeking authors for a special issue on “Technologies for the Seamless Integration of Formal and Informal Learning”
This special issue solicits research papers addressing the following themes:
- integrating formal and informal approaches to learning in technological contexts, and
- enhancing the educational power of informal learning environments by scaffolding students in their use of out the lecture room activities by means of innovative technological affordances.
Research papers on practical as well as on theoretical topics and problems are invited (pure Application oriented papers without strong research component are not preferred).
Topics include, but are not limited to
- Mobile and Ubiquitous learning environments to support training on the job, K12 scaffolding, institutional education, lifelong learning
- Mobile, Distributed and Pervasive Computing to support formal and informal learning integration
- Web Services for knowledge representation, retrieval, creation
- Synchronous learning environments for formal and non-formal learning integration
- Virtual worlds for scaffolded learning
- Mash-up technologies to develop E-portfolio Systems, Personal Learning Environments, and Personal Knowledge Spaces for knowledge creation and sharing
- Social Network Analysis and Mining for integrating formal and non-formal learning
- Microblogging to scaffold episodic e-learning occasions and to support collaborative work
- Augmented Reality and environmental markers or sensors to support location-based and context-aware learning activities
The first important date is:
January 10, 2010, submission due
You can find the Call for Papers, containing also the complete list of the Guest editors at