The next presentation in the series of free online CIDER sessions features a presentation and discussion with Marguerite Koole, Athabasca University and Dr. Gale Parchoma, Lancaster University. (CIDER is the Canadian Institute for Distance Education Research at Athabasca University).
Title: The Web of Identity: Identity Formation in Online Learning
As learners interact in online networks of learning, how do they come to know one another? Building on the work of Goffman (1959) and Foucault (1988), the Web of Identity (WoI) model shows how online learners may use dramaturgical strategies to create and negotiate their personal identities in a continuous flux of presentation and interpretation. Philosophically, the model is highly social constructionist and places a great emphasis on relational dialogue. For practitioners, the implications include finding ways to aid learners to improve their use and translation of WoI strategies. Such skill, theoretically, should help them to enact their unique personalities, lessen their sense of fragmentation, increase their sense of belonging, and gauge authenticity of others. The researchers will then discuss some preliminary research projects on identity in networked learning and future research in the field.
When: Wed., 2 March 2011, 11am – 12pm Mountain Time (Canada)
*Local times for the CIDER sessions are provided on our website:
Where: Online via Elluminate at: