You may have noticed that the web site has been redesigned. There were several goals for the redesign:
- to make the site less text heavy, without trivializing the nature of the site
- to make it easier to navigate (there are 1,400 posts, with an average of one per day being added)
- to highlight or feature certain posts (e.g. ‘the post of the month’)
- to enable me to assess more accurately which posts are being read the most (the old design, with new posts going into the ‘home’ page, meant that if I posted several posts on the same day, I couldn’t tell which was the most read, as it was the ‘home page’ that was counted).
A new feature is the country reports at the top of the page. The new design means I can ‘string’ together a set of related posts, such as different posts on quality, or on costs, and drop them in this space.
In the next week or so, the site will also be moved to another server, which should provide more security, reliability and a quicker response time.
Many thanks to Robert Ouimet and his company Bigsnit Media, for the re-design.
As always, I will really appreciate any feedback on how to improve this site, either in terms of design, or in terms of topics to be covered within e-learning and distance education. Over the next six months, for instance, I will be doing a series of posts on media selection.