Got to get this !#$@ing book finished

Well, actually it’s been on hold for 10 days.

The last 10 days have been incredibly busy for a poor old pensioner. I spent two and a half days in Victoria at the ETUG conference, then headed off to Ottawa for a parliamentary committee, and also finished a manuscript for a new book (I just made the deadline – what a relief).

As a result the blog has been on hold, but here’s what’s to come over the next few days:

Online simulations for training paramedics. A guest blog from Ron Bowles, of the Justice Institute of BC

Ed Tech governance: a blog prompted by Paul Stacey’s presentation in Victoria on architecting edtech.

Evolution or revolution? A report on the great debate at the ETUG conference on whether technology should evolve through classroom teaching, or should lead to radical changes in the way post-secondary education is delivered.(If you think the Thomas Huxley/Samuel Wilberforce debate at Oxford University in 1860 on evolution was hot stuff, wait till you see this).

Increasing access to post-secondary education. A report on the meeting with the Senate Standing Committee on Science and Technology

New funding models for post-secondary education This is related to the previous item (I may do the two as one blog), and  is prompted by discussions in the UK about how to pay for post-secondary education with big cuts coming in government funding for the UK universities (no, of course it isn’t going to happen here). I’ll be focusing particularly on who should pay for lifelong learning.

Quality assurance processes for e-learning: are they a waste of time?

Open educational resources from Hong Kong A report about how the Hong Kong Open university has made its substantial stock of online and TV material available to the public.

There may be a few others thrown in, as well. I just have to find the time to write them but they are coming!

The book? The Strategic Management of Technology in Universities and Colleges (title may change), with Albert Sangra, Jossey-Bass, publication date Spring 2011 (I hope).



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