Guri-Rosenblit, S. (2009) Digital Technologies in Higher Education: Sweeping Expectations and Actual Effects Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers
From the publisher’s synopsis:
The visible gap between some sweeping expectations echoed in the 1990s as to the immense impacts of digital technologies on higher education environments and the actual reality, are discussed in this book. The various chapters provide a critical and reflective view of the implementation of digital technologies in higher education from various perspectives, based on hundreds of comprehensive reviews, books, monographs, articles and research reports.
Chapter 1. Tower of Babel Syndrome
- Confusing Terminology
- ‘E-learning’ and ‘Distance Education’: Not the Same Thing
Chapter 2. A New Paradigm in Learning/Teaching Practices?
- Sweeping Expectations
- Academic Faculty: Traditional Roles Throughout History
- Academic Faculty in the Digital Era: New Roles and Challenging Demands
- Principles of Good Practice in University Teaching as Benchmarks
- Revolution or Evolution?
Chapter 3. Some Erroneous Assumptions
- Space and Time as Barriers to Overcome
- The Urge to Broaden Access
- Self-Evident Advantages of the New Technologies
- Natural Study Inclinations of Young Students
- Imparting Information versus Constructing Knowledge
- Making Profits and Achieving Economies-of-Scale
Chapter 4. Diverse Higher Education Environments
- Developed and Developing Countries
- National Academic Cultures and Policies
- Academic versus Business Cultures
- Different-type Institutions
- Diverse Subject-Matters
Chapter 5. Navigating between Contrasting Trends
- Globalization versus National Contexts
- Broadening Access versus Marketization
- Competition versus Collaboration
- Intellectual Property versus Intellectual Philanthropy
Chapter 6. Quo Vadis? – Some Future Trends
- Promoting Institutional Diversity
- Enhancing Flexibility
- Changing Roles of Academic Faculty
- Consolidating Research Findings on Teaching & Learning
- Gradual Change of Academic Environments
- Emergence of New Technologies