This section of the web site was originally created by:

Lourdes Guàrdia
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


Bates, T. (2012) 5 video case studies of e-portfolio implementation + an implementation toolkit, Online Learning and Distance Education Resources, April 3

JISC has created a site with videos from five UK universities and colleges that document their experience in implementing e-portfolios across a relatively wide range of subject areas.

In addition, this site also provides an e-portfolio implementation tool kit, based on the experiences of its case study contributors: 12 UK, 4 Australian and 3 New Zealand partner institutions together with one professional organisation.

Darren Cambridge: Presentations

Some interesting presentations (slides) from Darren Cambridge

E-portfolios for starters

This video, created by Cumbria University, UK, is a very good summary of how one can use an e-Portfolio

Serge Ravet on e-Portfolios and Informal Learning

Serge Ravet, the Director, the European Institute for E-Learning, talking about e-Portfolios and Informal Learning


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