I don’t normally cover k-12 (too much extra work and not my area of expertise) but I liked this web site about St Marys City Schools (Ohio) Mobile Learning Technology.
Scott Newcomb <Scott.Newcomb@smriders.net> sent me this information. He is a fourth grade teacher in St. Marys, Ohio, which has been involved in a Mobile Learning project for the last two years, using smartphones in the classroom. Every student in the school district from 3rd grade to 6th grade has their own mobile learning device. They will be adding seventh grade next year. Their goal is to have a mobile learning device in every students’ hand from 3rd grade to 12th grade!
There’s also a nice, brief video on the project at http://www.vzwbusinesstools.com/mobilelearning/
Thanks, Scott, for sending me this – great stuff and well done!
I came across MOBL21 which seems an exciting platform to create stacks, quizzes and flash cards and can be accessed on an iPhone or iTouch.
With the research saying that prolonged use of mobile causes excessive exposure to Radiations which leads to tumor, How do we justify the use of mobile among younger generation.
Hi Jen
Yes, I signed up as an educator and find it of immense value and do recommend it strongly for both K12 and Higher edu students.